Hotel Kinner Villa
Village & P.O.: Kalpa District,
Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh. INDIA.
Tel: 01786-226006
Fax: 01786-226506
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  • Historical Importance of Kalpa/Chini in Kinnaur

    Hotel Kinner Villa Kalpa


    Ø       Modern Kalpa prior to 1962 was known as Chini Village with main populated area and Kalpa  was a  part of Chini Village where Forest Bungalow overlooking an orchard was located. Today Kalpa has a Senior Secondary School with a spacious stadium and new Circuit House adjacent to old Forest Bungalow.

    Ø       Lord Dalhousie, the then Governor General of British India used to visit Kinnaur during summers and stay at Chini old Forest Bungalow – modern circuit house  Kalpa.

    Ø       This fact is corroborated from a letter which was traced from extracts from PWD (original) 1850 department of Railways, consultation 2nd No. 29/51, East India Railway (file drawn from National Archives of India, New Delhi) in which Dalhousie made correspondence regarding construction of Rely Department lines in Bengal and Bombay on 4th July 1850 from Chini Forest Bungalow to British Got in England.

    Ø       Kinnaur was divided into seven khans or regions in medieval times prior to beginning of Blusher rulers and was ruled by “Chakras” or Takers.  Chini was one of the khans of Chakras or Takers which was ruled by “Arms” Chakras who was a powerful one.        Taker of Karol who was the most powerful of all 7 Khans in Kinnaur instigated the local population and the Quail/Fort of “Chakras Arms” which was near Chini primary School was set on fire and got burnt. Remains of same can be dug from the premises of Chini/Kalpa Primary School ever today.


                                             Visit of Missionaries

    Ø       In 1865 Moravian missionaries visited Pooh in Kinnaur who remained there till 1918, many of them died there. They set up schools, hospital and craft centers in pooh.

    Ø       One of the missionaries named Father Bruski visited Chini village in 1897 and settled near Old Hindustan Tibet Road by purchasing land from the locals and built a house in 1900 and opened a school in 1899-1907 and propagated craft and art. He remained there for 13 years. Later his wife also left Chini with tears in her eyes and Father Peter took over the charge.

    Ø       Father Bruski was a rich man. For 2-3 years, he stayed by pitching tents on the land purchased with the help of Busher Raja Shamsher Singh.

    Ø       Rahul Sanskrityan who wrote a book on Kinnaur entitled “Kinner Desh Main” started his writing for the book from the same Bungalow in 1947.

    Ø       Father Bruski’s renovated old building is still intact adjacent to Kalpa/Chini’s Primary health Centre overlooking majestic “Kinner Kailash” ranges of peaks.

    Ø       In 1912 Moravian Mission sold the Bungalow for Rs. 900 to Mukti Sena/Liberation Army.

    Ø       Dr. Samual Berfut and his wife worked in the hospital at Chini, Liberatian Army opened a wool weaving school.

    Ø       In 1919 Liberation army sold the bungalow to the British Got for Rs. 5000 and left Chini.

    Ø       Walker, Baker and Mortimer were soldiers at Chini. It was Father Bruski, a German of Moravian Missionary who was able to set up hospital and school at Chini.

    Ø       Both Church Mission and Moravian Mission could not convert locals into Christianity. A chiseled stone which was prepared to construct Church at Chini was later used to construct the Tehsil Building in Chini as the idea of erecting a church was abandoned for no one could be converted to Christianity at Chini.

    Ø       Father Peazal of Moravian Mission who went to Pooh in 1865 died in 1886 at Pooh. He was able to convert a few locals to Christianity and established schools, hospital, training centre for crafts etc.

    Ø       Father Screen continued the work of Father Peazal and further converted 25 people to Christianity.

    Ø       A local named Taker Singh who was in charge of hospital at Chini was persuaded by Liberation Army soldier Mortimer to convert but in vain.

    Ø       He laid conditions for the conversion:

    1)       Rs. 10,000 cash

    2)       Should be sent to study in Europe.

    3)       Should be married to one of the ladies who were at Shimla from liberation Army.

    Ø       Apple, peach and other fruit trees brought by Bruski from Holland and other European countries and planted in the orchard of the Bruski Bungalow.

    Ø       Chini was made Tehsil (Revenue Hq.) in 1895.

    Ø       Kalpa /Chini is situated in front of “Kinner Kailash” range of peaks

    1.       Kinner Kailash – 6050 mts.

    2.       Raldang Peak – 5900 mts.

    3.       Jorganden Peak – 6473 mts.

    4.       Phowaring Peak – 6113 mts.

    Highest peak in Kinnaur – Rheo Pharguil – 6890 mts. is in Leo village in Hangrang Valley.

    Ø       Famous Europeans/Indians who travelled in Kinnaur and wrote books are:

    1)      HIMALAYA Parvat or hind Mountain – by James Beley Fraiser in 1815. In his book, he described Kinnauras are honest, hard working, freedom loving, loyal, polite, selfless, dependable and hospitable.

    2)       An Account of Koona War in Himalayas – by Capt Alexender Gerard in 1841.

    3)       Four months in Himalayas – by Dr. W.G.N. Van Der Saleen in 1920.

    4)       Journal of a trip through Kunaawar, Hangrang and Spiti – by lt. Thomas Houttan in 1838.

    5)       Kinner Desh Main – by Rahul Sanskrityan in 1948.


    Present locations of Historical Sites at Kalpa/Chini

    1                    Father Bruski Bungalow – old hospital building adjacent to existing primary health centre at Kalpa/Chini.

    2                    Forest Bungalow where Lord Dalhousie used to visit during summers is existing old circuit house near newly built circuit house at Kalpa.

    3                    Quail/Fort of Arms, Chakras of Chini was in the rear portion of Middle School. It was burnt and damaged hence no remains are left.


  • KINNAUR is located on the Indo Tibetan border, surrounded by Tibet to the east, Garhwal Himalayan to the south, the land of fairy tales and fantasies, has a spectacular terrain of lush green valley, orchards, vineyards snow clad peaks and cold desert mountains, it is the border district of Himachal Pradesh. Kinnaur  is also rich in flora & fauna and its culture and language is different from other parts of the state. Kinnaur, the tribal district of Himachal Pradesh, is about 250 km away from Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh and is situated on the NH-22 (Hindustan Tibet Road) strikingly beautiful district of Kinnaur where the river Satluj carved deep gorges through the high mountains. The Satluj River, which rises on the southern slopes of Kailash Mountain near Mansarovar in Tibet, flows through the Kinnaur valley. Rainfall and the desolated countryside scanty Kinnaur was known since the earliest of times as “Devabhoomi”, the abode of the Gods. The splendid heights of the Himalayan ranges, with its great scenic beauty and aura of spiritual calm seem the natural home of the Gods. Kinnaur full have isolated valleys and high ranges, several different styles of temple architecture developed and there are temples carved stone shikharas, pagoda style shrines, temples that look like Buddhist Gompas etc, Several of them are important places of pilgrimage and each year attract thousands of devotees from all over the country, passing through a spectacular terrain of river valleys, colds Desert Mountains, high passes, snow capped peaks, icy lakes, mighty glaciers, an exotic tribal country dotted by monasteries, yaks and lamas. The people of Kinnaur are very honest and simple. The old Hindustan-Tibet road which passes through the Kinnaur valley. Passing through the ancient villages Wangtu, Sarhan, Kalpa, Pooh and Sungra located along the bank of River Satluj the road finally enters Tibet at Shipki La Pass.

  • Trekking: Delhi-Shimla-Sarahan-Sangla-Kalpa-Nako-TAbo-Dhankar-Pin Valley-KAza-Losar-Kunzum-Koksar-Sissu-Tandi-Udaipur-Trilokpur-Rohtang-Manali-Delhi.

  • Situated at the height of 2758 m above the sea level and about 110 km from Sarahan, Kalpa is beautiful and main village of Kinnaur across the river facing majestic mountains of the Kinner Kailash range. They are spectacular site early in the morning as the rising son touches the snowy peaks with crimson and gold light. The landscape of the area varies from the lush green orchards of the scenic valley to the stark magnificence of the? The massive snow clad ranges that provide a regal dignity to the scene are dominated by the peak of Kinner Kailash, here it looks so close that you can almost reach out your hand & touch it, Kalpa is one of the biggest and beautiful villages of Kinnaur district. Kalpa is also home to the ‘ chilgoza’ can only be found in Iraq, Turkey & Afghanistan. You enter Kinnaur district at Village Chora and follow a straight line road constructed in vertical rocklike and it is a rare treat to travel on this road which is great engineering feat.


  • V.P.O KALPA, DISTT.KINNAUR H.P- pin-172108.India.     Tel: 01786- 226006,Mobile 09418036006,        FAX: 01786-226506),  web  site:


  • KINNAUR/KALPA,the land of fairy tales and fantasies, has a spectacular terrain of lush green valley, orchards, vineyards snow clad peaks and cold desert mountains, it is the border district of Himachal Pradesh. Kinnaur is also rich in flora & fauna and its culture and language in different from other parts of the state. Kinnaur, the tribal district of Himachal Pradesh, is about 250km away from Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh and is situated on the NH-22 (Hindustan Tibet Road). The landscape of the area varies from the lush green orchards of the scenic Sangla Valley to the stark magnificence of the Hangrang Valley. The massive snow clad ranges that provide a regal dignity to the scene are dominated by the peak of Kinner Kailash, Kalpa is one of the biggest and beautiful villages of Kinnaur district. You  enter Kinnaur district at Village  chora and follow a straight line road constructed in vertical rocklike and it is a rare treat to travel on this road which is great engineering feat.(HindustanTibet Road) which bifurcates to Kalpa from Powari. Buses and Taxis are available at Shimla and Rampur. One can reach Kalpa via Manali-Rohtang-Kunzam Pass-Kaza(400 km) also.

  • CLIMATE: In winter, the temperature can drop to below freezing point when heavy woolens are required for summer light woolens are recommended.

  • How to reach Kinnaur/KALPA

  • By Train: Nearest B G railhead is Kalka in Haryana and then narrow gauge line upto Shimla.

  • BY AIR ; Nearest Airport is Shimla.

  • By Road: Well connected by road to KALPA The National Highway No. 22 runs through the district. Buses, taxis and jeeps are available from DELHI,CHANDIGARH,SHIMLA


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